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What is the difference between protective clothing and disposable isolation clothing?

2022-05-26 09:54:09

Protective clothing and disposable isolation clothing have different functions. Protective clothing is the disposable protective articles worn by clinical medical personnel when contacting patients with Class A or infectious diseases managed according to class A infectious diseases. Disposable isolation clothing is the protective articles used to protect medical personnel from blood, body fluid and other infectious substances, or to protect patients from infection.

Other two differences between protective clothing and disposable isolation clothing

The protection objects are different. The protective clothing is to protect the medical personnel and prevent the medical personnel from being infected. The disposable isolation clothing is to protect the medical personnel or patients from being infected or polluted and the patients from being infected. The second application scope is different. The protective clothing is to contact the patients with infectious diseases transmitted by air and droplets, and may be splashed by the blood, body fluid, secretion and excreta of the patients.

Disposable isolation clothes are used to protect patients from infectious diseases transmitted by contact, such as infectious disease patients and patients infected by multi drug resistant bacteria. When patients are under protective isolation, such as large-area burn patients and bone marrow transplant patients, they may be splashed by blood, body fluids, secretions and excreta of the patients. When entering the isolation room and engaging in operations that may contaminate the working clothes, they should wear disposable isolation clothes.



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